
LinuxFormat(#LXF279 - #LXF…) - Web Application Security

A series on building a CI/CD pipeline to improve your Web Application Security.
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LinuxFormat(#LXF279 - #LXF…) - Web Application SecurityA series on building a CI/CD pipeline to improve your Web Application Security. Get your copy of LinuxFormat at PocketMags
StackHawk Blog (2021.07 - 2021.09) - Building secure web appsA best practices guide to building web apps.

StackHawk Blog (2021.07 - 2021.09) - Building secure web apps

A best practices guide to building web apps.

Plaintextnerds Blog - Building a database from scratch (Series)

A 5 part tutorial series taking you through the process of building a custom high-performance database from the ground up.

StackHawk Blog - CSRF Protection in FastAPI

Ever wondered how to get CSRF working for FastAPI? This tutorial shows you how.

StackHawk Blog - Configuring CORS for Go (Golang)

A brief tutorial on setting up CORS in Golang,

LinuxFormat(#LXF278) - Web App Security

One of the feature articles in LXF278, this article introduces the subject of Web App Security.

Dev.To - LMDB-Faster NoSQL than MongoDB?

A Software Dragrace report comparing MongoDB and LMDB using realistic Data and code.

 Plaintextnerds Blog- High-Performance web apps in Python - Diagnosing performance issues

An introduction to using a profiler to identify and fix performance issues in your code.

StackHawk Blog - What is CORS?

An introduction to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Covering the what, why, and how of using CORS to correctly.

StackHawk Blog - Fixing “No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ Header Present”

A DevOps approach to fixing missing CORS Headers using a reverse-proxy

LinuxFormat(#LXF236) - Automate your life with a network “Thing”

Following on from my MicroPython tutorial in LXF235, this 4-page tutorial introduced IBM BlueMix, Node-Red, and CouchDB

LinuxFormat(#LXF235) - MicroPython: Get automated!

A 4-page tutorial introducing MicroPython and LoRa, guiding the reader through creating an IoT “thing”

LinuxFormat(#LXF-231) - 10Gbps: Boost your networks

A 4-page tutorial guiding the reader through setting up a 10Gbps office network for an SME

LinuxFormat(#LXF-229) - SDN: Network with ease

A 4-page tutorial introducing Open Networking and SDN